
How To Manage Stress To Manage Your IBS?

Yes, you heard it right. To manage your IBS you must first manage your stress. IBS and stress are related. What comes first, is it the IBS or the stress? Does IBS trigger stress or is it vice-versa. The exact reason is still not known.

Edward Blanchard, PhD, professor of psychology at the State University of New York at Albany says that, “around 60% of the people suffering from IBS have symptoms similar to those of a psychiatric disorder. He says that, more than 60% of the IBS patients are suffering from generalized anxiety disorder and 20% may even suffer from depression while the remaining may have other complains. At Integrated Counseling St. George you can learn to manage distressing symptoms, thoughts and emotions and begin living a calmer, more peaceful life.

Studies have shown that, psychological stress, occurring in early life or adulthood has considerable effect on intestinal function.

IBS is a stress-sensitive disorder.

Relation between IBS and stress:

  • People with IBS are more sensitive to emotional problems
  • Stress makes your brain more aware of the stomach cramps
  • Stress affects the immune system, which in turn can trigger IBS.

IBS is a combination of irritable bowel and irritable brain.

To ease your irritability we have jotted down some easy remedies for irritable bowel syndrome and stress management.

Studies have proven that managing the stress can reduce the symptoms of IBS.

To reduce stress there are certain remedies for irritable bowel syndrome, such as:

  • Learn to relax- practise deep breathing exercises, or just close your eyes and visualize a peaceful scene
  • Listen to music, talk to a friend, you may also go for shopping
  • Exercise well
  • Get good amounts of sleep (at least 6 to 8 hours of sound sleep)
  • Eat a balanced nutritious diet for IBS- around two-thirds of people will benefit from change in diet
  • Seek psychological help- this will help you to get out of the problem that you are in. Therapists may suggest:
  • Relaxation therapy- any activity that helps a person to relax,
  • Biofeedback- techniques to control your body’s functions
  • Choose supplements wisely

Try ayurvedic medicine for IBS. Studies have shown that herbal medicines help in relieving the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.  Herbal remedies have no side-effects and are considered safe for long term use.

Ayurvedic medicine for IBS is STOP-IBS by Charak Pharma. STOP-IBS regulates intestinal motility, normalizes stool consistency, regulates stool frequency and relieves pain and bloating. STOP-IBS contains a blend of Intestinal Motility Modulator herbs such as Sunthi, Musta, Ativisha, Brahmi, Kutaj, Bilwa etc. These herbs are anti-diarrhoeal, anti-spasmodic, antibacterial, anti-stress and adaptogenic.

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